Illegal Street Racing Is a Serious Public Safety Issue in Albuquerque
Illegal street racing has long been a problem in many states, and New Mexico is, sadly, no exception. Albuquerque personal injury lawyers has launched a plan designed to reduce Albuquerque’s street racing but it doesn’t change the fact that illegal racing is still rampant in the state. In 2016, a street racer driving 85 miles per hour rear-ended another vehicle and killed a 10-year-old girl in a horrific Albuquerque street racing accident. This is no one-off trend, either, as local Albuquerque news reports from 2017 reported that street racers continued to tear through southwest Albuquerque.
In late September of 2018, two New Mexico residents were charged in the death of a New Mexico motorcyclist after their illegal street race led to rear-ending and killing the motorcyclist.
High-Speed Accidents Often Result in Catastrophic Injuries
If you or a loved one has been injured in an illegal street racing accident, it is quite possible you will need Albuquerque personal injury lawyers for your personal injury claim. Since street racing accidents often occur at high speeds, the collisions that result often inflict catastrophic injuries upon both innocent accident victims and illegal racers.
Common catastrophic injuries that can result from a New Mexico street racing accident include:
Traumatic brain injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Internal bleeding
Heart attacks
Organ damage
Paralysis, including paraplegia and quadriplegia
Burn injuries
Scars, some of which may be permanent
How Can a Catastrophic Injury Attorney in Albuquerque Help Your Legal Claim?
When you reach out to a catastrophic injury lawyer in Albuquerque after an accident, it is important that you choose confidently and believe they are the best catastrophic injury attorney in Albuquerque for helping you receive deserved compensation.
Illegal street racing is a criminal offense in New Mexico, but street racing accident victims whose injuries are caused by a negligent party are also entitled to file a civil lawsuit that pursues compensation for their catastrophic injuries.
Catastrophic accidents often require long-term or even lifetime care, due to the permanent impairment and life-threatening injuries that result from these accidents. When you or a loved one has suffered these kinds of injuries, it is imperative that you select an Albuquerque personal injury lawyers with a proven track record of helping victims recover damages that can pay for this level of medical care.
As a New Mexico catastrophic injury lawyer with nearly two decades of legal experience representing Albuquerque area personal injury victims, my goal in every case I take is to pursue and recover the maximum compensation possible for you. I diligently work with you to help you fully understand your legal options after I investigate every aspect of your accident to determine the legally responsible parties for your accident.
Once I have built a strong case based on this investigation and your well-documented injuries, I will apply these facts to New Mexico law to pursue maximum compensation via a settlement with the insurance company or a lawsuit and jury verdict if the insurance company will not provide a reasonable settlement. As a former insurance lawyer, I know the insurance company’s strategies that protect their bottom line at the expense of accident victims. These tactics will not work when you choose me to be your personal injury lawyer after an accident.
I personally guarantee that you will receive a higher offer than the insurance company may have provided as a lowball offer before you reached out to me or I will not charge an attorney fee. Additionally, I guarantee you will receive money in your pocket no matter how high your medical bills are because of the catastrophic injuries you suffered or I will not charge an attorney fee. Finally, I don’t want my clients to second-guess my legal advice by asking them to sign an escalating fee agreement that charges a higher fee if a lawsuit is filed on your behalf. It is hard enough for my clients to decide if they want to file a lawsuit if the insurance company does not offer a reasonable settlement and I don’t want my clients wondering, “Is he saying we should file a lawsuit because he thinks he can get us more money or is he telling us to file suit so he can charge a higher fee?” These are part of my exclusive three guarantees I make to you as your personal injury attorney, and no attorney fee will be charged to you if these guarantees are not met.
Contact me today for a free, personal and absolutely no-obligation case evaluation to speak with me about your catastrophic injury claim today.
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